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How to Complete Your Annual Waiver Waitlist Forms! 

Each year, individuals who are currently on Virginia's DD Waiver Waiting List (the Waitlist) must complete the Annual Attestation Documentation of Individual Choice for Home and Community-Based Services form (the Choice form) and the Needed Services form to stay on the Waitlist. 


You can complete the required Choice form and the optional Needed Services form online at!

Need help? 

> Our Quick Reference Guide shows how to access the Waitlist website, log in, and complete the form online. 

> Our DBHDS Waitlist Website User Guide gives detailed instructions on how to use the website. 

For more information

If you have questions about how to complete these forms, email

You can also contact My Life, My Community at 844-603-9248 (M-F, 9 AM to 4 PM).