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Welcome Providers! Below you can access information that relates to the unique needs of providers of DD Waiver Services in Virginia.


Provider Development

The Office of Provider Network Supports focuses on developing and sustaining a qualified community of providers in Virginia so that people who have developmental disabilities and their families have choice and access to options that meet their needs. Provider Development offers various resources, such as information on becoming a provider, information about Virginia’s Person-Centered ISP, who to contact for technical assistance, and various training resources.

Learn more about the support available to providers through the DBHDS Office of Provider Network Supports.

Community Resource Consultants (CRCs)

DBHDS CRCs provide training and technical assistance to Virginia’s DD waiver providers to help ensure that people with developmental disabilities live personally meaningful lives in their community of choice, that providers of DD waiver services have access to information and technical assistance that supports best practices, and to provide resources for support coordinators and providers that are based on promising and best practices in supporting people with developmental disabilities in Virginia.

Learn about the support provided by DBHDS Community Resource Consultants (CRCs), and how to contact the CRCs in your region.

Provider Competencies

DD waiver providers offering the services listed below need to meet established training and competency requirements. To learn more about the process, look for the “DSP and Supervisor Orientation Training and Competencies” section on the DBHDS Office of Provider Network Supports  webpage, or begin with the March 6, 2020 Direct Support Professional (DSP) and DSP Supervisor DD Waiver Orientation and Competencies Protocol, available on Virginia Town Hall.

  • Agency-Directed Personal Assistance
  • Community Engagement
  • In-Home Support Services
  • Agency-Directed Companion
  • Community Coaching
  • Individual Supported Employment
  • Agency-Directed Respite
  • Group Day Services
  • Sponsored Residential
  • Center-based Crisis Services
  • Group Home Residential
  • Supported Living Residential
  • Community-based Crisis Services
  • Group-Supported Employment
  • Workplace Assistance
  • Crisis Support Services
  • Independent Living

Home and Community-Based Settings Regulations

The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Regulations (previously known as the “Final Rule”) establish requirements for the qualities of settings where individuals live and/or receive Medicaid-reimbursable HCBS services. DBHDS and DMAS are working together to ensure full compliance in Virginia by March 17, 2023. All providers must be compliant with HCBS settings regulations by this date to continue billing for services.

View DMAS's  HCBS Toolkit


Before newly-approved providers can request authorization for DD Waiver services, they need to be set up in the DBHDS Waiver Management System (WaMS). WaMS is the central location at DBHDS for the exchange of information around individual enrollment, service authorization, and support planning. If you are an approved provider and need access, follow the instructions online at DBHDS Office of Provider Network Supports or use this guide.

Verify or Register a New Provider Profile

The My Life, My Community Provider Search database helps individuals, families, and Support Coordinators locate your services. To be included, register your organization. You can also access Provider Designation surveys.

Provider Badge Designation Surveys

You may be able to receive one or more special provider designations from DBHDS: accessibility, autism, behavioral supports, complex health supports. On this page you can complete surveys for each designation that you believe you are eligible for.

Log in to Update Your Agency

Access your organization’s user account to update your service and location information.